Nicci you have an absolutely beautiful blog and I it has been sort of inactive for the past couple of months. I also am sure you are busy in your design field. I think these shirts should help out. Tell us what you think
I am a Fat Girl. I’m a trained writer and artist, and I have been making zines for a few years, and one day I had a piece of paper in front of me, and I just decided it was time to start talking about Fat, and the various ways in which it is an influence in my life, which has been mostly positive except where external sources like magazines, media, and certain closed minded individuals have been involved. It is very difficult to maintain a healthy sense of self when one is constantly being told they are Other and outside the acceptable/beautiful/worthy. I have always been defiant, and I felt that, at age 27, I was ready to write FG, as I saw other women in my life forgetting their beauty, forgetting that a large part of beautiful is attitude. Sexy can have a double chin, thank you very much. FG is a validation, and a decree, and I am pleased to say I have received some feedback, mostly from women, who read the zine and tell me it gave them the courage to do something, even something as small as giving themselves permission to ask for the space they need to be comfortable.
Nicci you have an absolutely beautiful blog and I it has been sort of inactive for the past couple of months. I also am sure you are busy in your design field. I think these shirts should help out. Tell us what you think
b: it has been a bit inactive of late. sadly, the link you shared didn't seem to work. =)
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